Richard Nixon
리처드 밀하우스 닉슨(Richard Milhous Nixon, 1913년 1월 9일 ~ 1994년 4월 22일)은 미국의 제37대 대통령이다.
Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California. After completing his undergraduate work at Whittier College, he graduated from Duke University School of Law in 1937, and returned to California to practice law. He and his wife, Pat Nixon, moved to Washington to work for the federal government in 1942. He subsequently served in the United States Navy during World War II. Nixon was elected to the House of Representatives in 1946 and to the Senate in 1950. His pursuit of the Hiss Case established his reputation as a leading anti-communist, and elevated him to national prominence. He was the running mate of Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican Party presidential nominee in the 1952 election. Nixon served for eight years as vice president. He waged an unsuccessful presidential campaign in 1960, narrowly losing to John F. Kennedy, and lost a race for Governor of California in 1962. In 1968, he ran again for the presidency and was elected.
Although Nixon initially escalated the war in Vietnam, he subsequently ended US involvement in 1973. Nixon's visit to the People's Republic of China in 1972 opened diplomatic relatbetweenions the two nations, and he initiated détente and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with the Soviet Union the same year. Domestically, his administration generally embraced policies that transferred power from Washington to the states. Among other things, he initiated wars on cancer and drugs, imposed wage and price controls, enforced desegregation of Southern schools and established the Environmental Protection Agency. Though he presided over Apollo 11, he scaled back manned space exploration. He was reelected by a landslide in 1972.
Nixon's second term saw an Arab oil embargo, the resignation of his vice president, Spiro Agnew, and a continuing series of revelations about the Watergate scandal. The scandal escalated, costing Nixon much of his political support, and on August 9, 1974, he resigned in the face of almost certain impeachment and removal from office. After his resignation, he was controversially issued a pardon by his successor, Gerald Ford. In retirement, Nixon's work authoring several books and undertaking many foreign trips helped to rehabilitate his public image as an elder statesman. He suffered a debilitating stroke on April 18, 1994, and died four days later at the age of 81. Nixon remains a source of considerable interest among historians and the public.
6번유형 - 충실한 사람 (The Loyalist)
믿을 수 있음 의존적 조심스러움 호감이 감 '일정함' 의심이 많음 욕심 있음 충실함 미래 예견-대비
우리는 6번 유형에게 충실한 사람이라고 이름 붙였다. 모든 성격 유형 중에서 6번 유형은 친구나 자기가 믿는 신념에 가장 충실한 사람들이기 때문인다. 이들은 다른 어떤 유형들보다도 관계를 오래 지속시킨다. 또한 6번 유형은 이상, 체제, 신념 등에도 충실하다. 그러면서도 모든 6번 유형이 있는 그대로의 현상에 만족하는 것은 아니다. 이들의 신념은 반항적이고 체제에 반대되는 것이거나, 심지어 혁명적일 수도 있다. 어떤 경우라도 이들은 아주 격렬하게 자신의 신념을 위해 싸운다. 이들은 자신보다 자신의 지역 사회나 가족을 보호하는 마음이 더 강하다.
방어하는 사람 (5번날개를 가진 6번유형)
Type 6 Wing 5 이 부속 유형에 속하는 사람들은 다양한 전문 기술 분야에서 뛰어난 능력을 발휘한다. 이들은 뛰어난 분석가, 교사, 시사 평론가인 경우가 많다. 이들은 수학, 법률, 과학처럼 규칙과 기준이 명확하게 설정되어 있는 지식 체계에 끌린다. 이들은 다른 부속 유형보다 집중력이 있지만 관심사가 제한적이다. 정치적인 명분이나 지역 사회 봉사가 이들의 관심 영역이며 소외된 사람들을 대변하고 그들을 위해 싸우는 일을 할 때가 많다.
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